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Welcome to the Student Portal

The premium content will remain locked, however if you see a seminar in the future or think you have a password you can ask your teacher for it.

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An introduction to mindfulness

 An easy technique to try, but a tough one to master. Can you?


Top 17 Apps a student shouldn't live without

Our top picks for apps that help make study life easier!

Books + Planners

FREE eBook: Science of Student Success

Elevate Education's best selling study guide, 'The Science of Student Success' has sold over 10,000 copies. Get yours free here!

Books + Planners

Study Timetable



How to hack Spanish

How many ways can you express an opinion? These small sentence structures can make all the difference...



Be different. 

Books + Planners

The Bulletproof Booklet

How do you know you're ready for exams? Have you covered everything? Using the bulletproof booklet will ensure that you walk into the exam knowing that you're ready and prepared for anything. 


How to ace an oral presentation

Afraid of public speaking? Here’s some simple tips to help you prepare for your oral presentation.